nepali dating app AstroPods

First Nepali Dating App ( AstroPod)

For the first time in Nepal, a US- grounded Nepali technology company Astro VedaPvt.Ltd. has launched an AstroPod courting app where you can get your match made in stars!

DishHome FiberNet
The company released the app moment, Asar 10, at the Radisson Hotel in Lazimpat with the thing of aiding people in chancing their ideal mate where there’s a lack of devoted courting apps in Nepal.

With its tagline “ Made in Stars “, it’s targeting the original request at large where people have been looking for a dependable courting app that they could end up marrying their match.

Regarding the app, AstroPod CEO Paribesh Koirala participated,

The Story Behind AstroPod Dating App

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Back in 2014, Paribesh Koirala met hisco-founders Rikesh and Vivek which led them to start a software company, Astro Veda. In the meantime, they met Guru Samundra who also joined them to do a design that would serve astrological services to the people around the globe through an app.

This also turned into a company that is now employing 40 professionals and serving further than a million druggies across the world.
Astro Veda is a Nepal- grounded business that offers astrological services to those in need with the intention of simplifying their lives and giving them guidance on how to lead happy lives.

According to over a million druggies, the main cause of utmost people’s unhappiness is their lack of knowledge about themselves and their connections with others.
The authors participated that their result was inspired by this particular consummation which made them produce AstroPod Dating App- Made in the Stars.

According to them, they’ve always wanted to produce a mobile operation as it offers the happiness and connection that all people need throughout their lives. their original thing was to make an instant runner. This was only possible for them through the path of the Divination rather than bare technology and idea.
Utmost of people believe that stars have a stronghold in their life and the path they follow. also, Nepali people largely calculate upon the stars and cycles before reaching the decision of chancing a perfect match. relating them beforehand would be a great advantage and asset for them.

Hence they’ve kept their aphorism – “ Love isn’t in the air, it’s commonplace; Actually the love is in the stars. ”

Why AstroPod Dating app?

It’s clear that the AstroPod isn’t your regular courting app. utmost courting apps encourage people to engage with lovely filmland and memoirs. This doesn’t in fact punctuate their ingrained personality traits neither they reveal their spiritual aspects.
Besides, an average courting app uses traditional long and tiresome form-filling algorithms to help people find their matches. It isn’t grounded on any wisdom but the bare description of the people in their memoir that they believe will ‘ click ’ for them. They don’t really reveal the particular traits and emotional aspects of a person to make a perfect match.
Druggies of similar apps have to go Hit and Trial numerous times to determine the comity between them. This is where AstroPod Dating becomes your stylish volition.

How to get started with the AstroPod Dating App?

You can subscribe to the AstroPod Dating app to find your ideal match. It’s available for both Android and iOS bias.

also, you can subscribe up with your dispatch and word.
You’ll need to submit your accurate date of birth, time, and place to draw your astrological birth map.


nepali dating app

AstroPod Dating App
After that, upload two of your prints to modernize your profile.

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AstroPod Dating App also, you’ll reach the home runner where the navigation bar shows your prospective matches grounded on your divination.

Before swiping right, you can also check your comity score grounded on 7 criteria. The comity score appears in chance. An advanced comity score indicates your divination is largely compatible.

But sorely, you can not check comity score further than formerly in the free interpretation. For further options and to undo the accidental swipes, you can buy two types of decoration packages

Mini cover

Maxi Pod

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The Mini Pod package allows you to check up to 5 places a day whereas you can check unlimited places in the Maxi Pod package. It’ll bring you$6.99 a month for the Mini Pod package. On the other hand, the Maxi Pod Package costs$9.99 a month.

Also, you can go global with this app and get your ideal match from each around the world.

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After satisfied with the comity score, you can swipe right and connect with your match.

The app sends you a dispatch notifying you about the match and also you can start drooling.

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Tada! You can start an ice swell with a converse bot that starts the discussion.
As people are getting tech- expertise these days, indeed getting a perfect match can be done with the help of technology. Unlike Tinder, this app is more focused on divination which complements the match-making process for Nepali druggies. This could make them more satisfied with this tech-enabled match-making app.

Astro covers Dating App could be anticipated as a unique product for Nepali requests which could make matchmaking easy these days. With this, you can search for your ideal mate on your own and also make your parents happy with your choice of an astrologically compatible mate. Wish you all the stylish!
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For a Tutorial to Download AstroPods Click Here.